The Proper Way of Using 3m Films

When applied to windows, doors, and glass surfaces, films reduce the amount of solar heat passed through the glass. When compared to curtains or blinds, which must be closed to be effective, films are designed to enable light to enter while also helping to boost solar reflectivity, reducing heat and glare, and preserving your view at the same time. They also improve safety and security since our films provide superior protection against accidents, break-ins, and flying glass pieces. Why should you use 3m Films in your building? Conserve Resources The cost of your electricity is soaring, aren't you? Make your cooling systems work less complicated by using a 3m Film. Compared to spectrally selective coatings, internal temperatures are kept lower, which reject up to 97% of solar infrared energy. As a result, your renters are happier, and you save money on your utility bills. Increase The Level of Safety Your renters will be better protected in an accident or lo...